ORDER OF WORSHIP: LSB – Divine Service, Setting Three, pgs. 184ff
HYMNS: 398 - 839 - 594
SERMON: The Year of the Lord’s Favor
TEXT: Luke 4:16-24
Lord God our heavenly Father, You have blessed us with Your sacred and holy Word, inspired by the Holy Spirit, without error, and written and proclaimed to teach, to admonish, to correct, and to train us in righteousness. Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear clearly, and our mouths to speak boldly, the priceless treasure of Your Son, the Savior Jesus Christ, Who comes to us through Your Word. By His death to pay for our sin and through His resurrection to grant us eternal life, lead us in joyful faith to behold the gift of salvation He gives. For Jesus’ sake, give us confidence that Your favor rests upon us. Amen
“The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the
LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes” (Psalm 19:8).
• Thanks be to God for the daily gifts He gives both to those who call upon Him and those who do not, and we pray for those who remain dead in their sin to be brought to life in Christ Jesus.
• For the peace of Jesus upon the family of Jack Olson (Donna Ewing’s nephew) at the time of his death last week.
• For the grace, mercy, and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ to be at work in our homes and families; that mothers and babies will be defended from harm and danger.
• For the Lord’s help and healing for those in our congregation, those among our families, friends and neighbors, and all for whom we pray, who suffer affliction or distress in body and soul. For the presence and peace of the Lord Jesus upon all who suffer loss from wildfire, flood, storm, and disaster, and for benefit to come through the efforts of all those who work to bring relief and restoration.
• For protection and safety upon all who travel and all whose work leads them to be outdoors in the cold winter weather.
• For wisdom for all who govern us, that innocent lives will be protected, the destructive plans of the enemy will be prevented, justice will be served, and we will realize that all live under the reign of our righteous and holy God.
THE QUARTERLY VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY will meet today in the church basement after worship.
THE SEVENTH ANNUAL Kansas District Life Conference will be held on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in Topeka (901 SW Fillmore St.). The 2025 Kansas District Life Conference will once again be in conjunction with the 2025 Kansas March for Life. The keynote speaker is Rev. Jeffrey Hemmer, pastor of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church in Fairview Heights, Illinois. Rev. Hemmer is also an assistant to LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and is the author of the book Man Up!: The Quest for Masculinity. Find out more about Rev. Hemmer’s book by visiting the Concordia Publishing House website, For registration and other information about the Life Conference, go to
SUPPORTING THE CHURCH’S RESPONSE . . . For those who would like to assist in our synod’s efforts to assist with relief from recent wildfires in California, or with other disasters from prior months, contributions may be made to: The LCMS Disaster Response—Strategic Use fund. Visit or mail a check to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, or LCMS, at P.O. Box 66861, St. Louis, MO 63166-6861. On the memo line, write “Disaster Response—Strategic Use (TR9206).” This fund allows our Synod to continue its care and support, as the demands warrant, of those still suffering in North Carolina and other parts of the Southeast as well as those affected by the wildfires in California.
SAVE THE DATE . . . Events for your consideration:
• February 2nd – Duane Hanks in Concert, Pratt Community Concert Association, PCC’s Carpenter Auditorium, 4:00 p.m. (tickets sold at the door, $15)
• March 1st – Leaning on Jesus, a Women’s Retreat, Holy Cross, Wichita (see posted flier).
• March 6th – Open Door Health Services, Hutchinson, Rebuilding a Culture of Life (see basement bulletin board).
• April 25th – Concordia Academy Wichita, Phoenix Rising Benefit Gala (go to
DONATIONS SUGGESTED for the Pratt County Food Bank for the month of February is brownie mix. These, or other non-perishable food items, may be left in the box at the south entrance of the church.
STEWARDSHIP SENTENCES based on 1 Corinthians 12:16 – “And if the ear should say, ‘Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body,’ that would not make it any less a part of the body.” The Lord has called each of us individually and given each of us unique gifts. He has made our whole lives holy in our Baptism and has called us to a life together in the church, His body. You are a part of that body, and that body needs you and the gifts the Lord has given you. This is your holy calling from the Lord.
ELDERS: Derek Liggett, Shan Hullman, Lee Van Slyke Judy Sinclair Marilyn Herren
TODAY - 8:00 am - The Lutheran Hour, KGNO (Dodge City, 1370 AM)
8:00 am - The Lutheran Hour, KCVW (Wichita, Hutch., 94.3 FM)
8:25 am - The Lutheran Hour, KMMM (Pratt, 1290 AM)
8:30 am - The Lutheran Hour, KWBW (Hutchinson, 1450 AM)
10:00 am - St. Paul Radio Broadcast, KMMM (Pratt, 1290 AM)
6:00 pm - The Lutheran Hour, KREJ (88.1 FM)
MONDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours
TUESDAY - 9 am - 2 pm - Quilt Groups meets
WEDNESDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours
6:30 pm - Midweek Classes
7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal
THURSDAY - 6:30 pm - Bible Study
FRIDAY - 8:00 - 11:00 am - Secretary’s Office Hours
SUNDAY - 9:00 am - Sunday School and Bible Class
10:00 am - Worship with Holy Communion
THE LUTHERAN HOUR - “An Overture to the Greatest Story Ever Told” (John 3:26-36). Like an overture that introduces a great musical work, John the Baptizer is the living voice sent by God to bear witness to Jesus’ lordship and salvation. Guest Speaker: Rev. Dr. Leopoldo Sanchez.
LUTHERAN CENTER FOR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY . . . The March for Life in Washington D.C. may be over, but the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty continues to advocate for life – from pre-born on. You are invited to join the LCRL and learn more at
KFUO RADIO, the broadcast voice of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, shares Christ for you anytime, anywhere on via worship services, Bible and theology studies, practical talk programs, and sacred music. Find programs on demand at and wherever you get your podcasts. Find us on social media: @KFUOradio on Facebook, X, and Instagram.
FEBRUARY ALTAR GUILD . . . Those who will serve next month are Shelley Hullman, Jan Jorns, and Terri Liggett.
About the Cover: The Lord has fashioned a variety of individual members; each one is loved, cherished, and indispensable to His one Body. This Body is not merely constituted by shared interests but by Christ, the Head. Every Lord’s Day, He brings together the congregation of believers into a blessed harmony around His Word and Sacrament. For the church is Christ’s Body, which He has redeemed and made alive by His cross and resurrection.
OLD TESTAMENT READING - Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10
EPISTLE - I Corinthians 12:12-31a
HOLY GOSPEL - Luke 4:16-30